Whartcliffe Puddle-Jumper III

Greetings! Puddle-Jumper here.

I belong to the third generation of Puddle-Jumpers to work and play at Ampersand Press. We love games. . . especially Nature Games. Recently, I jumped up-the-ladder to work in sales and marketing. To be honest with you, I could use your help. You see, our toady blood elevates us---so we often lose sight of the obvious. It takes more than a sticky tongue to catch flies. Anyhow, what I mean to say is: I know how we play the game, I'd love to hear how you play.


City: State: Zip Code:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Gender: Male Female
Name of Ampersand Press
game that you have:
What did you enjoy most
about the game?
Are the rules easy to follow? Yes No
Do you play the game differently? Yes No
What kind of game would you
like us to make next?
Are you using our rubber stamps? Yes No
How do you use them?
Other comments
about the stamps?
Comments about
this web site:
Other great ideas:

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. We appreciate it very much.

We keep adding fun and informative features to these pages, so come back soon for another jumping good time. Thank you and be hoppy.

Whartcliffe Puddle-Jumper III
Marketing Manager

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